Saturday, June 1, 2013

Receive free BitCoin to your computer or online wallet

BitCoin is a currency as good as any other. Maybe even better hence it's decentralised and limited to a total amount which prevents inflation. BitCoin can be traded and exchanged into every major currency and some of the minor ones too as more and more banks start to accept or trade BitCoin.

For you to get BitCoin or to participate you need a wallet. This is an app which stores your transaction history and lets you access and manage your BitCoins.
The App is available for all major operating systems such as Windows, OSX and Linux.

To store your BitCoins locally you can use the original open source BitCoin QT wallet. After you download and install the wallet it will take quite some time to update the transaction history. You can just go ahead and create a receiver address and use it. Once the wallet is updated your BitCoin will show in your account.
To store them online i recommend the Blockchain wallet. Storing your coins online is a great idea when you share your computer, change it often or have only limited access to one.
In your wallet you then create a receiver address, or "BitCoin address". This address you need to state everywhere where you'd like to get paid.

To try it out and get your first BitCoins for free you can take advice from my post on 50+ websites to get free BitCoins.
Additionally you can market your website or blog to receive BitCoin. There are several advertising networks around which pay you out in BitCoin. Their range is from text links, over banner adds to fullscreen or popup solutions.
Another nice feature which needs mentioning is the ability to turn outbound links into profit-makers. You will not need to add any links to new or other sites to your website, instead you can utilise the outbound links you have anyway. If users click on these links you'll be rewarded with BitCoin.

And if you like browsing the web for interesting sites or watching through new youtube videos you can even make bitcoin from that! Check out this site which pays you just for visiting websites, or this other page where you can watch videos and be rewarded.
All of the suggested sites pay out, i have tested it.

If you have any more questions about BitCoin. How to get them, win them, mine them; let me know and i will publish it here for all to see!



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